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Record Power Show at Greenvill Crafts

Record Power Show at Greenvill Crafts Harrogate November 2024 - Harrogate North of England woodworking show

Record Power Show at Greenvill Crafts Harrogate

We are delighted to announce that Greenvill Crafts will be hosting our first ever Record Power show in November 2024.

This event will feature expert advice and guidance from Record Power's highly knowledgeable and experienced staff on the range of Record Power machinery and accessories, including the Coronet woodturning lathes, SABRE bandsaws, CamVac dust extractors, UK-made turning tools and brand-new UK-made Coronet Cobra bandsaw scroll guide system, plus much more!

The Greenvill Crafts/Record Power Harrogate show date is 28th November 2024 starting at 10:00 and closing at 15:00.

A catering van will be outside with a selection of hot & cold drinks & bacon butties/burgers/hotdogs etc.

For more information visit the Record Power Show page.

If you are looking to buy Record Power products and were planning on visiting the Harrogate Woodworking Show at the Yorkshire Event Centre on 15th-17th November, why not save yourself the £16 entry fee and come to this special show with no entry charge!!

Our Harrogate shop will also be open for the duration of the Harrogate Woodworking Show - Friday 15th & Saturday 16th 10:00 to 17:00 and Sunday 17th 10:00 to 16:00

Greenvill Crafts also stock a wide selection of pen turning kits, blanks and woodturning tools along with the full selection of Chestnut Products fantastic finishing products.

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